Friday, March 23, 2007

help one hand people to type

It was really a nightmare to you when the day of the car accident came. You lost your left hand forever, in addition, you were seriously injured in two legs and, became a disabled person. You felt greatly depressed when you came round. Particularly, you confirmedly thought you had lost the pleasure of the life without your left hand. At that moment, you indeed didn't know what you could do in the future. Quite unexpectedly, you didn't give up the hope for the life and struggled with the problem bravely, finally, you were successful, not only in the spirit, but also in the career as well.

It's an inspiring story to all those who are working with only one hand, or any combination of missing or unusable fingers. It's indeed an unfortunate thing, however, you can still become a real winner by using the computer technology in your career or life.

In today's world, computer skills are vital. The ability to use computers to perform a variety of tasks, is becoming fundamental to the learning process. A wide variety of computer skills is useful and, in some cases required, as an essential part of employment for most individuals. Therefore, the ability to use the computer skill is so important, not just for the health, but for the physical handicapped as well.

To own the ability of using computers starts with learning how to type. There is no longer any position in any industry in which employees do not need to know how to type. It's the basic skill to your career. Here, you doubt that you can type only with one hand operating, for it's so inconvenient without the aid of another hand. Of course, it's possible to type by hunting and pecking to you without type training, but the typos are frustrating, as you constantly have to refocus to the keyboard and then back up at the monitor, actually, it will slow down your typing speed as well. So why not to learn to type correctly at the first time?

Generally, to type fast without looking at your hand for the one handed person is to get a good typing program for practice. You can type as fast as the two handed person in the normal keyboard layout without an especial keyboard layout. So the key is the practice. The more practice you take, the faster you type with one hand typing, it is a basic theory to get it right the first time when typing.

Then finding a good one hand typing program to help you take the practice is so important, the typing courses must involve not just the basic keys practice, but the advanced practice as well. With the one hand typing program help, you can learn to touch type by one hand and, get rid of hunting and pecking around on keyboard with your pointer fingers.

Refer to the typing program GS Typing Tutor featured with one hand typing courses, you'll find more helpful information at


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