Typing software
I'm an element pc level beginner, after making some progress, i still remember the day when i first touched pc. Up to now, i can still experience the feeling while first typing, exciting, happy, afraid, expectant. What did happen as i moved the mouse? How could i do if i didn't control the mouse? So you can image how difficult for me to touch pc first but not familiar with pc. What a mess!
Touching pc, the first thing i needed to do is to learn touch typing, but it's very difficlut for me to do this for i was not familiar with the keyboard layout. So as a result, i typed by looking at the keyboard with slow speed. Fortunately, i had a friend who introduced a typing software named Gs Typing Tutor to me. He told me if i wanted to improve my typing speed, i should learn to touch typing. With the software help, i could do so. Then i took his advice and had a try.
Apparently, it was proved to be worth to have a try for me that the software was a friendly, useful typing software. After used the software several times, i found it fitted my need. As a tyro, i had no more pc knowledge, and didn't know how to use any software. Luckly, the software offered a complete tutorial to help me how to use it, then i could successfully used it and exercise my typing. Actived the software, i could go to the option named "Learn to Type", clicked it and chose "Basic" option. Here, the tutorial detailedly introduced me by "How to sit at your omputer", "Finger Placement on the Keyboard", "How to stike the key", "Computer in Injuries". This was very useful for me to learn to touch typing without no more pc knowledge. After time past, i could go on with the tutorial leading from basic practice to advanced subjects. In basic practice, i could be familiar with the Basic keys, Symbol and numeric, Numeric Keypad. When i made progress, i could enter "Typing Test" to test my typing speed. There were three choice i could test, "Screen Copy", "Type at will", "Original Copy". The software offered some amusing games to help me to touch typing funnily.
I could touch type since i used Gs Typing Tutor 30 hours. That's unbelieveable, but that's true. Tt's really helpful typing software. Thank the publish! Here i heavily recommend the typing software to all these who want to learn to touch typing but no more pc knowledge.